There are many requirements and restrictions to registering the company in the importation register, in this article, you can know these requirements according to the type of the company.
For Partnerships:
A- Requirements for Registration and Re-registration of Partnerships:
The company shall be registered with the commercial register and shall hold a tax card.
The company shall have been registered with the commercial register for at least one year before the application for registration
The company’s turnover during the last year of the tax return submitted to the Tax Authority shall not be less than five million EGP
The paid-up capital registered with the commercial register shall not be less than two million EGP
The share of Egyptian partners in the capital shall not be less than 51%
The company’s head office shall be based in Egypt and established under the provisions of Egyptian laws.
The import activity shall be one of the company’s purposes set out in the commercial register.
A cash security deposit or an equivalent letter of bank guarantee of 200,000 EGP (Two hundred thousand) shall have been submitted.
The import officer shall be an Egyptian national.
The general partners or import officer(s) shall have passed the import practice course approved by the Ministry.
The general partners and import officer(s) shall have not been subject to final judgment for fraudulent bankruptcy or negligence unless he has been rehabilitated.
The general partners and import officer(s) shall not be members of the Egyptian Senate, representatives, or local people’s councils, or practice political activity on a full-time basis throughout the term of their membership unless they were originally engaged in this work before their membership or full time.
The general partners and/or the import manager shall not have been convicted of a final verdict of a criminal penalty or a felony for honor or trust or in one of the crimes stipulated in the trade laws or the suppression of fraud, supply, customs, import and export or control over precious metals or companies, anti-money laundering, protecting intellectual property rights, protecting competition and preventing monopoly practices, the CBE, value-added tax, income tax, or in one of the crimes stipulated in Article 8 of this law, unless they have been reconciled or rehabilitated.
B- Documentation Required for Registration or Re-registration of Partnerships
A registration application form, signed by the manager, or proxy, in front of the competent employee.
Documents that shall be completed by the proxy (if the Applicant is a proxy):
A copy of a notarized power of attorney, along with the original document for review and verification (it may only be accepted up to a second proxy)
A copy of the national ID card or passport of the proxy, along with the original document for review and verification
Acknowledgment of the validity of the power of attorney signed by the proxy
Documentation Required from all persons whose names are listed in the commercial register, and the import managers:
A copy of the national ID card or passport and the original
An acknowledgment of the importers’ register, signed in front of the competent employee or certified by the bank as to the authenticity of the signature
An official extract of the birth certificate to prove nationality from the import officer only
In the case of obtaining Group 6 of Chemical Industry Products, the Group 6 declaration shall be signed by the competent employee who has the right to manage and sign, or by the proxy.
A copy of the company’s MoA or articles of association and its amendments, stamped with a live stamp of the EGYPT’s emblem. It shall be registered, certified and recognized with the commercial register, stating that 51% of the capital is owned by Egyptians – import activity. The paid capital shall not be less than two million EGP.
A recent official extract of the commercial register, valid for not less than 90 days, with an issue date not exceeding 90 days, including at least one year has passed since registration with the commercial register – import activity. Shares of 51% of the capital shall be held by Egyptians. The import officer shall be an Egyptian. In the case of foreigners, the paid-up capital shall not be less than two million EGP.
A copy of the last tax return approved by the Tax Authority, stamped with a live stamp of Egypt emblem, indicating that the turnover in the last year is no less than 5 million EGP.
A copy of the tax card, matching the commercial registration data, along with the original document for review and verification,
or a basic data document of the taxpayer issued from the Tax Authority (if the company is newly established and its tax card has not yet been issued, or the import activity is not clear in the tax card).
The original document of the import certificate, in the name of one of the general partners, the limited partners, or the import officer, to be insured under the Social Insurance Authority;
or a copy of the payment voucher for the import practice training course fees at the Authority;
or a letter from the Regional Center for Foreign Trade Training, stating that the training course has been booked;
or a letter from the commerce chamber, stating that the training course has been booked at the Center.
if the holder of the import certificate is an employee of the company, he shall submit:
Insurance original printout (1 “I” Form Insurance)
A copy of the national ID or passport, along with the original document for review and verification
Official extract of birth certificate to prove nationality
A letter from the company, stamped with the company’s seal, determining the import officer, to be insured, and that he is still working for the company
Receipt of the deposit of the security of 200,000 EGP at the Authority’s treasury, by credit card; or a letter issued from the bank stating that the security amount has been deposited in the Authority’s account;
or an irrevocable, unconditional, bank guarantee letter, in the name of the General Authority for Export and Import Control, Importers Affairs Department, with its address at 1 Maarouf St. Ramses Intersection. The security amount (of 200,000 EGP ) shall be placed on a new import card in the name of the company according to the commercial register, with a validity of 5 years.
2. Limited-Liability Companies
A) Requirements for Registration and Re-registration of Limited-Liability Companies
The company shall be registered with the commercial register and hold a tax card.
The company shall have been registered with the commercial register for at least one year prior to the application for registration
The turnover during the last year of the tax return submitted to the Tax Authority shall not be less than five million EGP
The paid-up capital registered with the commercial register shall not be less than two million EGP
The share of Egyptian partners in the capital shall not be less than 51%
The company’s head office shall be based in Egypt and established in accordance with the provisions of Egyptian laws
The import activity shall be one of the company’s purposes under the commercial register.
That a cash security deposit or an equivalent letter of bank guarantee of 200,000 EGP (Two hundred thousand) shall have been submitted.
The company’s import manager shall be an Egyptian national.
The Applicant or the import manager and employees shall have passed the import practice training course as approved by the Ministry.
The company’s import managers and employees shall have not been subject to final judgment for fraudulent bankruptcy or negligence unless they have been rehabilitated.
The company’s import directors and employees shall not be members of the Egyptian Senate, representatives, or local people’s councils, or practice political activity on a full-time basis throughout the term of their membership or full time unless they were originally engaged in this work before their membership or full time.
The company’s import managers and employees shall have not been convicted of a final verdict of a criminal penalty or a felony against honor or trust or in one of the crimes stipulated in the trade laws or the suppression of fraud, supply, customs, import and export or control over precious metals or companies, anti-money laundering, protecting intellectual property rights, protecting competition and preventing monopoly practices, the CBE, value-added tax, income tax, or in one of the crimes stipulated in Article 8 of this law, unless they have been reconciled or rehabilitated.
B- Documentation Required for Registration or Re-registration of Limited-Liability Companies
Registration application form signed by the manager who has the right to sign in front of the competent employee, or by proxy.
Documents to be completed by the proxy (if any):
A copy of a notarized power of attorney, along with the original document for review and verification (it may only be accepted up to a second proxy)
A copy of the national ID card or passport of the proxy or authorized representative, along with the original document for review and verification
Acknowledgment of the validity of the power of attorney signed by the proxy
Documentation Required from all persons whose names are listed in the commercial register, and the import managers:
A copy of the national ID card or passport of the proxy or representative, along with the original document for review and verification
An acknowledgment of the importers’ register, signed in front of the competent employee or certified by the bank as to the authenticity of the signature
An official extract of the birth certificate to prove nationality from the import officer only
In the case of obtaining Group 6 of chemical industry products, the Group 6 declaration shall be signed by the competent employee who has the right to manage and sign in front of the competent empolyee, or signed by the proxy
An official copy, sealed with a live seal of the EGYPT’s emblem, of the company’s articles of association and the amendments, to be registered, notarized and recorded in the commercial register, stating that 51% of the capital is owned by Egyptians – import activity. The paid-up capital is not less than two million EGP.
A recent official extract from the commercial register, valid for not less than 90 days, with an update of not less than 90 days, including at least one year has passed since registration with the commercial register – import activity, stating that 51% of the capital is owned by Egyptians. The import officer shall be an Egyptian national. In the case of foreigners, the paid-up capital shall not be less than two million EGP
A copy of a recent tax return, approved by the Tax Authority (Stamped with a live stamp of Egypt emblem), indicating that the turnover in the last year is no less than 5 million EGP.
A copy of the tax card matching the commercial registration data, along with the original document for review and verification;
OR a basic data document of the taxpayer from the Tax Authority (if the company is newly established and its tax card has not yet been issued; OR the import activity is not clear in the tax card).
The original document of the import certificate, in the name of anyone whose name appears in the commercial register; or the import officer insured at the Social Insurance Authority;
OR a copy of the payment voucher for the import practice course fees at the Authority;
OR a letter from the Regional Center for Foreign Trade Training stating that the training course has been booked;
OR a letter from the Chamber of Commerce stating that the training course has been booked.
If the holder of the import certificate is an employee of the company, he shall submit:
Insurance original printout (1 “I” Form Insurance)
A copy of the national ID or passport, along with the original document for review and verification
Official extract of birth certificate to prove nationality
A letter from the company, stamped with its seal to determine the import officer, who shall be insured, and that he is still working for the company
Receipt of the deposit of the security amount of 200,000 EGP at the Authority’s treasury, by credit card;
OR a letter from the bank stating that the security amount has been deposited in the Authority’s account;
OR an irrevocable, unconditional, bank guarantee letter, in the name of the General Authority for Export and Import Control, Importers Affairs Department, with its address at 1 Maarouf St. Ramses Intersection. The security amount (200,000 EGP) shall be placed on the new import card, in the name of the company according to the commercial register, with a validity of 5 years.
3. Joint-Stock Companies:
A) Requirements for Registration and Re-registration of Joint-Stock Companies:
The company shall be registered with the commercial register and hold a tax card.
The turnover in the last year of the tax return submitted to the Tax Authority shall not be less than five million EGP.
The issued capital registered with the commercial register shall not be less than five million EGP.
The shares of Egyptian partners in the issued capital registered with the commercial register shall not be less than 51%.
The company’s head office shall be based in Egypt and established according to the provisions of Egyptian laws.
The import activity shall be one of the company’s purposes per the commercial register.
That a cash security deposit. or an equivalent letter of bank guarantee of 200,000 EGP (Two hundred thousand) shall have been submitted.
The company’s import manager shall be an Egyptian.
Anyone whose name is listed in the commercial register or the company’s import manager and employees shall have passed the import practice training course as approved by the Ministry.
All persons whose names are listed in the commercial register and import employees have not been subject to final judgment for fraudulent bankruptcy or negligence unless they have been rehabilitated.
All persons whose names appear in the commercial register and the company’s import employees shall not be members of the Senate, Representatives, local people’s councils, or who are devoted to political work throughout their membership or full time unless they were already preoccupied with this work before their membership or full time.
All persons whose names appear in the commercial register and the company’s import employees shall not have been convicted of a final verdict of a criminal penalty or a felony against honor or trust or in one of the crimes stipulated in the trade laws or the suppression of fraud, supply, customs, import and export or control over precious metals or companies, anti-money laundering, protecting intellectual property rights, protecting competition and preventing monopoly practices, the CBE, value-added tax, income tax, or in one of the crimes stipulated in Article 8 of this law, unless they have been reconciled or rehabilitated.
B- Documentation Required for Registration or Re-registration of Joint-Stock Companies:
Registration application form, signed by the manager in front of the competent employee, or by the proxy.
Documents to be completed by the proxy (if any):
A copy of a notarized power of attorney, along with the original document for review and verification (it may only be accepted up to a second proxy)
A copy of the national ID card or passport of the proxy, along with the original document for review and verification
Acknowledgment of the validity of the power of attorney, signed by the proxy
Documentation Required from all persons whose names are listed in the commercial register, and the import managers:
A copy of the national ID card or passport of the proxy or authorized person, along with the original document for review and verification
An acknowledgment of the importers’ register signed in front of the competent employee or certified by the CBE-approved bank as to the authenticity of the signature
An official extract of the birth certificate to prove nationality from the import officer only
Group 6 declaration, signed by the competent employee who has the right to manage and sign, or by the proxy (for obtaining Group 6 for chemical industry products)
An official copy sealed with a live seal of the EGYPT’s emblem from the Companies Journal in which the company’s articles of association and the amendments (if any) are registered. These shall be notarized and recorded in the commercial register, stating that 51% of the capital is owned by Egyptians – import activity. The paid-up capital shall not be less than five million EGP.
A recent official extract of the commercial register, valid for not less than 90 days, with an issue date not exceeding 90 days, including the import activity as one of the company’s purposes, stating that 51% of the capital is owned by Egyptians. The import officer shall be an Egyptian national. In the case of foreigners, the paid-up capital shall not be less than five million EGP.
A copy of the last tax return, approved by the Tax Authority (Stamped with a live stamp of Egypt’s emblem), indicating that the turnover in the last year is not less than 5 million EGP.
A copy of the tax card, matching the commercial registration data, along with the original document for review and verification;
OR basic data document of the taxpayer issued from the Tax Authority (if the company is newly established and its tax card has not yet been issued, or the import activity is not clear in the tax card).
The original of the import certificate in the name of anyone whose name appears in the commercial register, or the import officer insured at the Social Insurance Authority;
OR a copy of the payment voucher for the import practice course fees at the Authority;
OR a letter from the Regional Center for Foreign Trade Training stating that the training course has been booked;
OR a letter from the commerce chamber stating that the training course has been booked at the center
The name of the holder of the import practice certificate shall be stated in the commercial register, otherwise, it shall be an employee of the company providing:
Insurance original printout (1 “I” Form Insurance)
A copy of the national ID or passport, along with the original document for review and verification
Official extract of birth certificate to prove nationality
A letter from the company stamped with its seal determining the import officer, to be insured, and that he is still working for the company
Receipt of the deposit of the security amount of 200,000 EGP at the Authority’s treasury, by credit card;
OR a letter from the bank stating that the security amount has been deposited in the Authority’s account;
OR a final unconditional bank guarantee letter in the name of the General Authority for Export and Import Control / Importers Affairs Department / 1 Maarouf St. Ramses Intersection. The security amount (200000 EGP) shall be placed on a new import card in the name of the company, according to the commercial register, valid for 5 years.
Upon his request, the importer has the right to register the groups according to the import activity in the commercial register