A register (“Register”) has been established for factories and trademark owners eligible to export products to Egypt at the General Organisation for Export and Import Control (GOEIC). Such imported products may not be released, unless they are produced by registered factories or imported from the trademark owners or registered distribution departments in this Register.
3. Documentation Required for Factory Registration:
1. All the following documents shall be ratified by the Chamber of Commerce or any competent authority and certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the country of origin. However, the submitted documents shall be accompanied by a certified translation from an approved translation agency;
2. Authorization letter from the legal representative of the factory to the authorized person or Egyptian company for registration, printed on the factory letterhead;
3. The factory industrial license;
4. List of factory products, printed on factory letterhead;
5. List of brands, printed on factory letterhead;
6. Brand ownership deed (if any);
7. The PDF file documents and trademarks shall be obtained for e-filing; and
8. A certificate stating that the factory to be registered applies a quality system related to product quality, issued by an entity recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The certificate shall be issued in the English language.
Trademark Ownership Certificate:
If the factory has a trademark:
A certificate issued by the official authority for the registration of trademark ownership deed.
If the factory does not have a trademark but manufactures with a trademark owned by another factory, the following shall be submitted:
Authorization from the trademark owner granting the right to use the trademark in manufacturing and export for the factory; and
The original trademark certificate (of the trademark owner), issued by the official authority for trademark registration.
If the factory does not have a trademark and desires to register without a trademark, the following shall be submitted:
A letter stating that the factory does not have a trademark, but is produced under the name of the factory, on the factory letterhead.
Quality Certificate:
A certificate stating that the factory to be registered has in place a quality system related to product quality, issued by an entity recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The certificate shall be issued in the English language.
For saving the customer time, the quality certificate will be verified and delivered to the authorized representative on the day it is submitted at the Factory Registration Unit.
3. Documentation Required for Registration of A Trademark Owner:
All the following documents shall be ratified by the Chamber of Commerce or any competent authority and certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the country of origin. However, the submitted documents shall be accompanied by a certified translation from an approved translation agency.
Authorization letter, issued from the legal representative of the factory to the authorized person or Egyptian company for registration, printed on the factory letterhead.
List of the company products, on factory letterhead.
A list of the factories manufacturing products under that trademark, their addresses and nationalities, on the company’s letterhead.
List of distribution centers allowed to supply products of this brand, on the company’s letterhead.
List of trademarks, on the company’s letterhead.
The PDF file documents and trademarks shall be obtained for e-filing.
A certificate stating that the factory to be registered applies a quality system related to product quality, issued by an entity recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The certificate shall be issued in the English language.
Trademark Ownership Certificate:
If the company has a trademark, the following documents shall be submitted:
The trademark certificate (of the trademark owner company), issued by the official authority for trademark registration.
If the company does not have a trademark, but it manufactures with a trademark owned by another company, the following documents shall be submitted:
Authorization from the trademark owner granting the right to use the trademark in manufacturing and export for the company to be registered.
The original trademark certificate (of the trademark owner company), issued by the official authority for trademark registration.
Quality Certificate:
A certificate stating that the factory to be registered applies a quality system related to product quality, issued by an entity recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The certificate shall be issued in the English language.
For saving the customer time, the quality certificate will be verified and delivered to the authorized representative on the day it is submitted at the Factory Registration Unit.